Pen & Prosper Celebrates 7 Years in the Blogosphere!

Dear Readers,

I hope you'll join me in celebrating the 7th year anniversary of the initial launching of Pen and Prosper!  YAY! Who would have thought...?

It's been a beautiful, difficult, enriching, interesting, ever-evolving journey.
Though I have had a few "detours" and roadblocks along the way, I continue to press forward.
And I am humbled and honored to have you accompany me here.

Truth be told, I was a reluctant blogger. I wasn't sure I wanted to take the plunge. Wasn't really certain that anyone would really be interested in hearing this writer's "voice," particularly amid all the online chatter and big personalities.

And for many of the beginning years, that belief was substantiated by the small number of "followers" that subscribed to this Blog. Ha!
But, with the help of a faithful few, I stuck it out.
And I am so glad I did.

As the name implies, I have truly "prospered."
And I hope you have too.
I have made many blogging friends; have grown as a writer; have laughed and learned; met and made clients; and I am continually excited to connect with you each and every month. Year after year.

And that can't often be said about a seven year relationship. True? :-)

 For nostalgia sake, here are a few stats and some interesting trivia:
  • Since 2009, I have published over 600 blog posts on an array of topics and themes.
  • The current collective page views for Pen & Prosper is over 320,000.
  • Pen & Prosper has garnered "Top Blog for Writers" honors for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 consecutively. 
  • I originally considered calling this blog, "Jen's Joint."
  • According to Google Analytics, Pen & Prosper is read in several different countries: U.S.A, France, Russia, Germany, U.K., China and Poland.
  • The original colors were beige and brown.
  • The original motto was: "Helping you to hone your craft and increase your cash!"
Hopefully that gets you up to speed here.

In closing, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you, for your support, faithful readership, ideas, comments, and online love.

Whether you're an old friend or a new fan, I appreciate your role in this blog's success and continuation.

I'm looking forward to the possibility of seven more fun-filled years..
A girl can hope, right? " :-)

Warm Regards,


P.S. Stay tuned for an array of contests, guest posts,
and/or discounts to celebrate this anniversary month.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments.

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