September Marks Women's Friendship Month

As many of you are aware, September is Women’s Friendship Month.
A time to embrace, celebrate and cement sisterly bonds.
(And yet another reason that I love the fall season).

With this in mind, I hope you’ll allow me the opportunity to honor and discuss the many friendships and creative associations that have enhanced my Blogging career and my writing journey thus far…
Truth is, no matter what your genre or level, every writer is benefited from having a career “cheerleader”.

You know: the “been there-done that" fellow writer who knows what it’s like to endure the harsh rejection of an editor or agent; or the sister-friend who happily critiques your work, when your eyeballs are too heavy to edit another word.
The “pen pals” that laugh and cry with you about victories and defeats, and money woes and men and general mayhem. The ones that lift your spirits and your sinking self-esteem when the situation dictates.

There’s no better time than Women’s Friendship Month to say thanks for…
  • The right words at the right time
  • The Blog “follow”
  • The consistent comments to your blog posts
  • The unexpected card that came in the mail
  • The job leads and links to calls for submissions
  • The guest post submitted that eased your load
  • The Tweet to their “peeps” of your work
  • Their business support
  • The book review posted to Amazon
  • The client referred
  • The private Email F.Y.I. alert that you made a goof in your published post

I find that there’s great validity to the expression: “It takes so little to mean so much.” True?
For this reason, I am sending virtual hugs and high-fives this month to all of my “supporters”--both online and off.

In the words of Tupac Shakur, “You are appreciated!”
(In no particular order)
Karen L.
Susan S.
Linda O.
Maribel from Australia
Stephanie G.
Darlene. G.B.
Red the Poet

Noelle S.
A. Neal
Eve C.
Marcie H.
Gail M.
Deborah T.
Bonita B.
Here's another excellent post offered by Huffington Post, that I encourage you to read and follow:
If you want to continue this love fest, (and I hope that you do) here are a few ways to honor your female friends (writers and non-writers), who add light to your life and joy to your journey, during this special time.

1. Tweet or Email this post to them with a personal note.
2. Submit a quality guest post to their Blog.
3. Mentor them as needed.
4. Interview them.
5. Purchase their products or support their projects.
6. Take them out for coffee at StarBucks.
7. Make a donation to their favorite charity.
8. Honor them with a poem.
9. Have a “girl’s night out.”
10. Post a review of their book on Amazon.
11. Enjoy a movie night together.
12. Recommend/nominate them for a creative award.
13. Share job links or business leads.
14. Uplift them with kind, positive words-- Don’t gossip about them.

15. Purchase them a steamy love novel that allows them to escape.

Fellas, this can also apply if you are writers and have supportive wives. Thank them for their "friendship" and understanding.  :-)
In conclusion, I'd like to wish each of you in my personal network, a September that's as sensational and as warm as you are!
A special thanks to all of the fab females that are part of my Blog community as well.
Happy Women's Friendship Month.

Thoughts? Comments? Who would you like to thank?
Let's keep the love flowing...

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