"Maybe this year," I would often hear. My mom would sit glued to the tube-- week after week, month after month, year after year. As a true blue die-hard Cubs' fan.
And frankly, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry about what appeared to be delusional thinking.
I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was fighting a losing battle. To remind her that she had predicted victory the year before and the year before, and the year before...you get the picture here.
So, sometimes I would sit with her, snacks and herbal tea, and watch the game to support her and spend quality time.
But this year, much to my surprise, she called me at about 12:30 a.m. last week singing, "Go Cubs go, Go Cubs go! Hey Chicago, what do you say? The Cubs are gonna' win it today!"
And by God, they did!
The Chicago Cubs had scored big: winning the 2016 World Series and millions of hearts as well.
Never say never.
Though I'm not a huge sports fan, their epic win truly taught me a thing or two that could be applied to the game of life and writing in general.
I hope these lessons will inspire you to stay in the game, and aspire to greater heights, in this last "inning" of the year.
1. You can overcome your "curse."
Legend has it that the Cubs were cursed by a billy goat. Yet, they reversed the curse! And you can, too. Whatever you perceive your "curse" to be: a dysfunctional family, an unsupportive mate, poverty, age, or disability.
Remove those limitations, (self-imposed or real). Get your head and heart in the game!
To quote the lottery commercial: "You can't win if you don't play."
2. Stay focused.
Life is filled with "curve balls." You're doing well in your career, then you're hit with an unexpected legal issue, or a health challenge, or a sick loved one, or a financial bomb. Sometimes the worst happens to the best of us. Keep your eye on the prize. Stress is a distraction. Pray and keep going. Remember your "end game."
3. Suit up!
That's right. Mentally and physically prepare for the battles that lie ahead. With positive thoughts, courage, determination, and a strategic game plan, you can go the distance.
4. It's possible to prove the doubters wrong.
The Cubs were the under-dog. Some of us can relate. True?
Remember the editor who thought you lacked talent? Or the teacher who told you that your ambitions were too ambitious? Show them what they didn't see. Work hard. Don't be bitter, be better.
5. "Good things come to those that wait."
Just like the Cubbies (and their fans), sometimes being patient pays off.
Here's a case in point. Some time ago I hired a designer to partner with me on some publishing projects. He did excellent work; which often caused him to be busy, creating frustrating wait times.
One day, I decided to try another service provider to save time. Bad move.
The other guy provided a quicker turn-around, (as promised). The problem? His work was of poor quality, and he lacked the sophistication in execution that my regular designer had. I ended up losing time from going back and forth requesting revisions and providing excessive instructions.
When the situation dictates... take a chill pill.
6. Team support can enhance our efforts.
Whether it's the collective help of fellow bloggers, the encouraging words of blog readers, or the collaboration of creative partnerships, remember, "there is strength in numbers."
If you're seeking to be winners in the game of life (and in your creative career), these timely lessons provided by the Chicago Cubs can help you to become a "quick study."
This post is dedicated to my mom and to the Chicago Cubs.
Thoughts? Any Cubs' fans out there?
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