Motivation Monday! Quotes to Inspire & Inform


Greetings, Readers!
Whether you're experiencing a "Manic Monday," need a mood-pick-me-up, or simply seek advice for a better approach to life, today's quotes suit an array of purposes.
They come from a variety of sources--some may be familiar, while others I'm betting will be new.
If you're creative, you can even use them as writing prompts to jump start future essays, articles or blog posts.
So, pick up a cup of your favorite brew, read through, and enjoy!


"Never say anything which doesn't improve the silence."
"To thrive in life you need three bones: A wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone."
"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."
"Don't strive to be better than others; strive to be better than your best self."
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." --Zig Ziglar

"Only you can control your future."--Dr. Seuss

"Take another bite of chocolate. It’ll help."--Anna Marie Gire

"Successful people have big libraries. So read to succeed!"--Shel Horowitz

"The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you can not do."

"Sometimes God will shake you up to move you forward."--Jennifer Brown Banks

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."--Eleanor Roosevelt

"Life is about using the whole box of crayons."

Thanks for reading!

Thoughts? What's your favorite quote?

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